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Stronghold Artwork

Fortaretele este o facilitate a jocului introdusa in Martie 2019 ce va oferi tribului posibilitatea de a construi o fortareata partajata, cu diverse beneficii, cel mai important fiind acela de a putea trimite armate mult mai mari. Ridicarea fortaretelor este destul de costisitoare si va necesita efortul unit al tribului.. Toti membrii tribului pot contribui la cresterea lor, dar de administrarea efectiva a fortaretelor se pot ocupa doar intemeietorii si conducatorii. Atacarea si chiar distrugerea unei fortarete va aduce diverse beneficii tribului atacator.

Construirea unei fortarete

Intemeietorii pot incepe constructia unei fortarete intr-o zona libera de pe harta. Locul de constructie este creat instant si este vizibil imediat pe harta. In aceasta faza fortareata nu are nici o utilitate, dar are nevoie de resurse. Toti membrii tribului pot trimite resurse din satele lor catre fortareata pentru a ajuta la ridicarea ei. Resursele pot fi trimise doar spre fortareata, si nu invers.

Daca resursele necesare nu vor fi trimise in timp util, santierul va disparea de pe harta si toate resursele se vor pierde. Timpu necesar in care poate fi construita fortareata este de 72 ore pe o lume cu viteza "1" (36 ore pe viteza "2" si asa mai departe). Toate atacurile ce sosesc pe o fortareata neconstruita ( santierul ) se vor transforma in vizite si se vor intoarce la satele de origine.

Imbunatatirea unei fortarete

Once the stronghold has reached level 1 it is ready to be used. But to make it even stronger it can be upgraded to a total of 10 levels. These upgrades require resources (just like constructing the stronghold) but these upgrades can be done at any time and don't need to be finished within a specific timeframe. Once an upgrade is finished all buildings in the stronghold are set to the new levels (see below). The same applies if the level of a stronghold is reduced. The upgrade/build costs for each new level are connected to the amount of villages the tribe owns.

The buildings inside a stronghold depend on the level of the stronghold. Except of the wall and the headquarters they cannot be damaged and only the wall can be repaired. Strongholds always have a "first church", even when churches are disabled on the world. But this church does not provide a radius and only counts for the stronghold itself.

Stronghold Buildings
Icon Level HQ Wall Barracks Stable Workshop Rally Point Smithy Church
Stronghold Construction Site 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Stronghold Level 1+2 1 3 2 2 2 1 15 1
2 6 4 4 4 2

Stronghold Level 3+4 3 9 6 6 6 3

4 12 8 8 8 4

Stronghold Level 5+6 5 15 10 10 10 5

6 18 12 12 12 7

Stronghold Level 7+8 7 21 14 14 14 9

8 24 16 18 16 11

Stronghold Level 9+10 9 27 18 22 18 13

10 30 20 25 20 15

Stronghold Benefits

Strongholds have the following, permanent benefits:

  • Significantly more farm space then normal villages.
  • Much larger warehouse capacity. These resources can potentially be looted if the world settings allow for it.
  • A 100% boost to unit recruitment times, compared to normal villages.
  • Each level of a stronghold increases the duration of the Tribe Skills by 10%, up to a total of 100%.

Reducing the level of an enemy stronghold will reward the tribe with:

  • Free coins for every tribe member. The amount of coins depends on the amount of villages the enemy tribe has and the level of the stronghold that was attacked.
  • An additional, temporary +100% recruitment speed boost when an enemy stronghold is reduced by one or more levels.

Attacking a Stronghold

Attacks on stronghold work mostly like attacks on normal villages but there are three important differences:

  • When attacking a stronghold only the walls and HQ can be targeted by siege equipment.
  • Strongholds can only be destroyed (see below), not conquered. When a stronghold reaches level 0 it becomes a construction site again. If the resources to build it up again are not provided in time it will be removed from the map.
  • Strongholds use a new system called "Valor".


Attacks from or to a stronghold use valor, which works similar to the "morale" system, even if the world configuration does not use this setting. The Valor calculation affects the attacker's strength and is calculated when a command is sent from or to a stronghold. It is calculated based on the tribe/player points. Leaving or joining a tribe does not have an affect on Valor. The impact of Valor has a minimum value of 20% and a maximum value of 150%.

Repairing Walls

A stronghold's wall work just like the walls in any other village, but dukes and barons can only repair, not construct them. Walls can only be repaired up to the max level of the current stronghold level.

Reducing the Stronghold Level

Attacking the HQ can lead to the stronghold level being reduced as they are directly connected. To determine the stronghold level the HQ has to be exactly the value for this level (rounded down). For example: If a stronghold level 8 (HQ level 24) is attacked and the HQ level is reduced to level 23, the stronghold level will be reduced to 7 and therefore the HQ level to 21. Thus the HQ can be reduced by 3 levels per attack but the stronghold level only by 1.