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var anunt_list
var nr_anunturi
var anunt_curent
var anunt_timer, hint_timer;

function ch_hints() {
   var hint_nr=Math.round(Math.random()*45);
   $.get("/index.php",{title:"Script:Grepolis_FAQ ",action:"raw",section:hint_nr}, function(response,succes) {
      if (succes) {
      resp= "__NOEDITSECTION__" + response
      $.get("/api.php",{action:"parse",text:resp,format:"xml"},function(xresp,succ) {
          if (succ) {

function ch_anunt() {
        $(anunt_list[anunt_curent]).fadeOut("normal",function() {
             if (anunt_curent >= nr_anunturi) {

$(document).ready(function() {
   anunt_list = $(".anunt_primapagina").toArray();
  //"a:"+anunt_list+"; nr:"+nr_anunturi);
   if (nr_anunturi > 1) {
   } else {
       if (nr_anunturi > 0) {
   if ((wgAction != "edit") && (wgCanonicalNamespace != "Special") && (wgCanonicalNamespace != "Template") && (wgCanonicalNamespace != "Help") && (wgCanonicalNamespace != "Project") && (wgCanonicalNamespace != "File") && (wgTitle != "Global.js") && (wgTitle != "Script:Grepolis FAQ") ) {
$("#content").before("<div style='clear:both'></div><div id='grepo_ro_hints_container' style='padding: 10px 15px; background: url(&quot;/skins/grepolis/content_bg.jpg&quot;) repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent; width: 772px; min-height:100px; text-align: center;'><a title='Inchide' href='#' id='grepo_ro_close_hints'><img style='float:right; height:20px; width:20px;' src='' /></a><img id='grepo_ro_hints_image' style='position:relative; float:right; height:75px; width:75; top:35px; left:0px;' src='' alt='Ponturi' /> <span id='grepo_ro_hints' style='width:80%'></span></div>");
   $("#grepo_ro_close_hints").click(function() {
        $("#grepo_ro_hints").slideUp("slow", function() {
   if ((wgTitle == "Global.js") && (wgAction != "edit") && (wgAction != "history") && (wgAction != "historysubmit")) {
     $("#bodyContent").html("<p>Pentru evitarea eventualelor neplaceri am restrictionat accesul la aceasta pagina!<br>Documentare placuta in continuare!</p><p>Echipa <a href=''></a>!</p>");

// Grepolis 2.0 stuff

//$("body").css("background","url:('/images/c/cb/Bg1.jpg') no-repeat scroll center 0 #000000");

var plogo=$("#p-logo");
width: "550px",
left: "274px"

plogo.html('<style type="text/css">a img { border:none; }</style><style type="text/css"> a { text-decoration:none; } </style> <center>   <a href=""> <!-- URL to the changelog --> <div style="background-image:url(; width:500px; height:82px">  <font size="4" face="calistomt" color="#273b5f">     <label id="Compte"></label><script type="text/JavaScript">     var Affiche=document.getElementById("Compte"); function Rebour() { var date1 = new Date();                   var date2 = new Date ("Apr 7 00:00:00 2011");                   var sec = (date2 - date1) / 1000;                  var n = 24 * 3600;                   if (sec > 0) {                 j = Math.floor (sec / n);                   h = Math.floor ((sec - (j * n)) / 3600);                   mn = Math.floor ((sec - ((j * n + h * 3600))) / 60);                   sec = Math.floor (sec - ((j * n + h * 3600 + mn * 60)));                   Affiche.innerHTML = j +" ZILE, "+ h +" ORE, "+ mn +" MINUTE, "+ sec + " SECUNDE";                  window.status = j +" ZILE, "+ h +" ORE, "+ mn +" MINUTE "+ sec + " SECUNDE";                 }                   tRebour=setTimeout ("Rebour();", 1000);                   }                   Rebour();                   if (date1 = new Date ("Apr 7 00:00:00 2011")) {                   Affiche.innerHTML = "AZI!";                   window.status = "AZI!";                    }                   </script>          </font>       </div>   </a></center>');

//function SigMods(text);

(function($) {
$(document).ready(function() {
var el=$(".AlizeeaSig")
textSigIndex = 0;
textSig = new Array;
textSig[0] = "Administrator Forum";
textSig[1] = "Speed Config";
textSig[2] = "Wiki Administrator";
el.each( function(index,elm) {
$(elm).css({height: "240px", width:"600px", background: "url('')"});
$(elm).html("<label id='sigText' style='position: relative; top: 150px; left: 200px; font-size: 300%'>"+textSig[textSigIndex]+"</label>");
sigTimer= window.setInterval(function() {
    if (textSigIndex >= textSig.length) { textSigIndex = 0; }
    var elt = $(".AlizeeaSig #sigText");
    elt.each( function(index,elt) {
    $(elt).fadeOut("fast", function() {
    var elt = $(".AlizeeaSig #sigText");
}, 5000);