Activare JavaScript

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Cum activez JavaSCript in Browser?

Ca sa poti juca Triburile, trebuie sa ai activat javascript in browser. Urmariti instructiunile de jos pentru browserul dumneavoastra.

Internet Explorer (9.0) Selecteaza Tools din meniu. Alege Internet Options. Dati click pe Security tab. Dati click pe Custom Level. Faceti scroll in jos pana la sectiunea cu numele 'Scripting.' La 'Active Scripting,' selectati Enable si faceti click OK.

Mozilla Firefox (9.0) Select Tools from the top menu. Choose Options. Choose Content from the top navigation. Select the checkbox next to Enable JavaScript and click OK.

Google Chrome (15.0) Click the spanner icon on the browser toolbar. Select Options. Click the Under the Hood tab. Click Content Settings in the 'Privacy section.' Select Allow all sites to run JavaScript in the 'JavaScript' section.

Apple Safari (5.0) Select Safari from the top menu. Choose Preferences. Choose Security. Select the checkbox next to Enable JavaScript.

Va rog sa tineti minte ca facand upgrade la browser sau instaland un sistem de securitate (antivirus/firewall) poate afecta setarile de JavaScript din browser. "